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Manufacturing Warranty

RTS Imaging (RTS) hereby warrants that it will meet costs to repair printing equipment that is damaged as a result of materials or techniques applied by RTS due to manufacturing and such warranty is made in accordance with the conditions detailed herein. Costs for damage will be met by RTS where damage occurs as a result of materials and / or techniques used by RTS in its manufacturing procedure. The warranty specifically excludes damages caused by the cartridge itself where such damage would have occurred whether or not the cartridge had been manufactured by RTS. Any Claim for repair must be made against the manufacturer of the printer and liability for the claim must have been denied by the manufacturer giving details in writing of the nature of the damage and the reason why it denies liability together with detailed costs of the repair work. Reimbursement of costs or replacement of the equipment will occur at the expense of RTS immediately upon the manufacturers denial being authenticated and the product in question being returned.

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